AXA Germany

UX-Design • Internship • 6 months in 2020
Job Overview
AXA is one of the biggest insurer and asset-managers worldwide.
The german department of digital experience needed a refreshed set of landingpages for their different household-insurance-categories. Therefore, a new concept and information-architecture was introduced. To reach younger target audiences, a new aesthetic layout, numerous illustrations and a simplification of insurance-language were introduced.
My Contribution
• Competitor analysis
• Webdesign
• Implementation with CMS and validation through surveying
Overview of different landingpages
The first challenge was to create a concept that is innovative and engaging enough for the landingpages to 'pop', while being limited by the company's CMS system as well as their already existing design system and guidelines.
↪ Visual Identity
Challenge 01
Screenshots of the design system at AXA and wireframes
Another challenge was that insurances are typically considered a dull topic by the ordinary person. In order to increase clicks and conversions we visualized the matter in the most interesting and engaging way. Large isometric illustrations and a straightforwarded language helped to make the topic graspable.

Certain restrictions/laws for insurance advertising as well as the need to convey trust and seriousness made this task even more exciting.
↪ Unpopular subject matter and legal requirements
Challenge 02
A head with a question mark
Optimizing the conversion rate was the key objective. However, we knew that we needed to get into the minds of different types of potential customers, to truly understand their behavior and priorities when dealing with insurances.

Therefore, we simultaneously designed multiple iterations, observed and emphatized with a bunch of different potential customers, ideated and increased our understanding of user-needs. Solving the right problem was the core objective here.
Identifying previously unmet needs of already existing landingpages and competitors, offered opportunities for improvement and a real product advantage.
↪ Human-centered Design
Solution 1
Screenshot of expert-review excel sheet, the website and a photo of card sorting
As a core part of our HCD approach, we tested and evaluated on an ongoing basis. Remote usability tests for the whole user-journey were conducted with RapidUserTesting as well as qualitative interviews. Methods like card-sorting helped to create an information architecture that fitted the user's mental model.

As a result, we indeed managed to get relatively high acceptance and adoption ratings from the users. The users we surveyed afterwards felt informed, while not being overwhelmed. The experience was mostly described as pleasent and easy, especially concerning the complicated context of use.
As another metric we used Google Lighthouse, where we were able to increase the ratings of the landingpages by 5-7 points, in comparison to older LPs. This was mainly done through increasing loading times by reducing asset sizes, improving accessibility and SEO optimizing all of the content.
↪ User-research and evaluation
Solution 2